Friday 1 March 2013

First time in an office

First time in an office. Very scared!
Here are some pictures:
Some biscuits

If you look closely, you can see a fan.
The view from an armrest
Some oranges
A computer
A cup of water
A question for readers:Which company do you work for and what does its office look like? Tell me in the comments below!

Sunday 6 November 2011


I have my iPad now! I like this iPad as it's 9.7 inch display has a lot of possibilities in my hands. It is so wonderful. This tablet has a lot of apps for me to use.It is so cool!I love this tablet.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Sunday 24 July 2011

5 best OSes to try

Here are 4 best Oses to try.

5. OSX Jaguar
This OS is great for PPC computers.


If you have a Wintel PC and you do not like Open Suse,try this.
3:Open Suse
If you do not like Mandriva,try this.
I put at #2 because it is for all ages.Great for parents of children and teens.

1.Zorin OS
It is easy to use although it is not for all ages.

Tuesday 19 July 2011


I took the stairs today. I took it because the lift was broken.